Cancer: Spiritual healing (averting illness) and radiesthesia

Geistheilung bei unerfülltem Kinderwunsch


Geistheilung für Tiere

Parkinson’s Disease (agitated paralysis)

Healing cancer?

Bladder cancer (urinary bladder cancer, urinary bladder carcinoma): odds of recovery

Tongue cancer (Tongue carcinoma): odds of recovery

Lymphatic cancer (non-Hodgkin-lymphomas): odds of recovery

Healing hands – healing spirit

Spiritual healers in Austria

Are spiritual healers allowed to accept money?

Spiritual healers and ethics

Spiritual healer as a job: how do I become a spiritual healer?

The best spiritual healers and their methods

Stomach cancer (stomach carcinoma): chances of recovery

Averter of illness – Averting illness – spiritual healing

Laryngeal cancer (Laryngeal cancer): chances of recovery

Thymoma, thymus carcinoma: chances of recovery

Oesophageal cancer (oesophagus carcinoma): odds of recovery

Back pain, back complaint: odds of recovery

Stierberg in Waldviertel and its healing strength:

Adenosarcoma of the kidney (kidney cancer): odds of recovery

Kidney cancer – kidney tumor: odds of recovery

Children’s Cancer Aid and alternative methods to traditional medicine:

Cancer sleeper cells (micro-metastases): odds of recovery

Neurodermatitis: odds of recovery

Herniated disc (disc prolapse): odds of recovery

Tinnitus: odds of recovery

Allergies: odds of recovery

Multiple Sclerosis (MS): odds of recovery

Prostate cancer, prostate carcinoma: odds of recovery

Bone cancer, bone tumors, sarcomas: odds of recovery

Testicle cancer: odds of recovery

Cervical cancer, cervix carcinoma: odds of recovery

Lymph gland cancer (Hodgkin’s lymphoma): odds of recovery

Uterine cancer: odds of recovery

Head tumor (brain tumor): odds of recovery

Leukaemia (leucosis, blood cancer): odds of recovery

Anal cancer (anal carcinoma): odds of recovery

Rectal cancer, colon cancer (bowel cancer): odds of recovery

Brain tumor, meningioma, head tumor: odds of recovery

Skin cancer (melanoma): odds of recovery

Pancreatic cancer (pancreatic carcinoma): odds of recovery

Breast cancer – breast carcinoma: odds of recovery

Lung cancer: odds of recovery

Günther Offenberger: Spiritual healing: the power of the human mind

Liver cancer – liver tumor

Famous healers: Paracelsus

Hildegard of Bingen

Famous spiritual healers: Bruno Gröning

Archive for the ‘Spiritual Healing’ Category

Back pain, back complaint: odds of recovery

Tuesday, February 16th, 2010

Back pain can have both psychological and physical causes and has become a widespread disease in the industrial countries. The pain can occur in different parts of the back: cervical spine, thoracic spine and lumbar spine. Very often, the pain isn’t local. It can spread out over the whole back area, to the head, the arms, the buttocks, the feet and the toes. People may experience numbness in the arms and feet in addition to the pain.

Back pain may occur suddenly (lumbago) or be chronic. Back pain is considered to be chronic when it lasts for more than 12 weeks.

Physical reasons for back pain include metabolic changes, inflammations, tumors, attritions, degeneration, poisoning, injury-related causes, vascular causes, mechanical causes, changes following surgery, congenital causes.

False weight bearing and false posture also count among the causes for back pain. The occurring pain causes people to assume a false posture more often, which then in turn causes new complaint. This can result in a herniated disc.

Psychological causes: pain may also come from psychological problems. This also works the other way round: physical problems my lead to psychological problems. This is referred to as psychosomatic illness. It has been acknowledged that especially the cause for chronic back pain in many people lies within their psyche.

Back pain diagnosis: examination and anamnesis, x-ray, magnetic resonance tomography, computer tomography, myelography.

Traditional medical therapy of back pain: medicine, acupuncture, massage, surgery, heat treatments, relaxation techniques, sports.

Back pain prevention: preventive measures against back pain include learning the right lifting technique for heavy objects (from a squat position, avoid lifting and turning at the same time), right work posture, ergonomic seats, taking breaks from work that requires sitting, sports.

All medical information is subject to change regarding the correctness and completeness.

Scientific double-blind studies on spiritual healing were performed in the USA. Spiritual healing can help, as was clearly shown by the results.

Spiritual healing as a measure to support the traditional medical treatment of back pain:

Intuition helps me as a clairvoyant to visualize the best possible approach for the respective person and his or her illness. As a spiritual healer I try to lay open pinched nerves on a spiritual level, depending on the cause, so that the spinal disc stops pressing on the nerve or to confine inflammations. I also work in the person’s psyche.

When people live far away, it isn’t necessary for them to be physically present. The client’s photo or signature are sufficient.

The combination of traditional medical therapies and spiritual healing increases the odds of recovery.

Spiritual healing exclusively focuses on the activation and harmonization of the body’s own energy fields (life energy) and is not considered a healing treatment. The effectiveness and success of energy treatments have not been scientifically proven in Austria. They have been falsified for various methods. No promises are made as to success, recovery or relief. All patients must voluntarily agree to this method of treatment.

In accordance with that, spiritual healing doesn’t present a substitute for a medical diagnosis or treatment or a psychological or psychotherapeutic treatment or examination. Any statements or pieces of advice are not considered diagnoses but are solely energy-related descriptions of a person’s state.

I have experienced that a good sleeping place is also very important when it comes to back pain.

As general information:

There is a double-blind study of the European Centre for Environmental Medicine in cooperation with the Lower Austrian Regional Medical Insurance, that shows that 90 % of humans who fell ill with cancer had their sleeping places on geo-pathogenic disturbance zones such as water veins, faults or earth rays. For this reason, it is important for someone suffering from cancer to have his or her sleeping place examined by a radiesthecist (dowser) and change the place if need be, without using any dubious shielding devices.

Stierberg in Waldviertel and its healing strength:

Tuesday, February 2nd, 2010

The Stierberg (= literally: bull’s mountain) in the Waldviertel area is located between Langschlag and Weitra and is an unusual point of strength. Along its crest, there are numerous cup-marked stones. The main source of strength is the formation of stones at the mountain’s highest peak. In this place, there is a certain point that is only about two square metres big, but from experience I feel that it has a very positive impact on human beings.

I have examined Stierberg a few times as a radiesthecist and have found that this special point holds strong healing strength in it from a radiesthetic point of view. Since I work as a spiritual healer full-time, I know that such a place of strength can support the recovery from different illnesses.

The bull has been considered a symbol of fertility since ancient times and was worshipped in many ancient cultures. Many couples come to me because they are unsuccessfully trying to have a child. As a spiritual healer I work with them also from a distance and always suggest to them to use the special place of strength on top of the Stierberg as a support.

Spending time in that place also has a positive impact on people suffering from multiple sclerosis, e.g. Clients told me that they felt very well after going there and that their illness became insignificant for a few days.

The Stierberg is part of a hiking trail around Langschlag, that leads past several places of strength, such as the Kamelstein (= camel stone), the Augenbründl (= eye well), the Familienstein (= family stone) and the Mutter-Kind-Stein (= mother-and-child stone).

Usually you don’t meet many people at the Stierberg and are able to have it impact you without interruption.

Adenosarcoma of the kidney (kidney cancer): odds of recovery

Thursday, January 21st, 2010

An adenosarcoma of the kidney (case study see press report) is a malign tumor of the kidney. It mostly affects children and only very rarely adults. In children, adenosarcoma is the most frequent kind of kidney cancer. Other cancers such as brain cancers (head tumors) or leukemia (blood cancer), however, are way more frequent in children.

Due to its rapid growth, metastases of the adenosarcoma of the kidney form early (daughter tumors) in other organs such as the lung or liver. Usually only one kidney is affected by the adenosarcoma of the kidney.

The exact cause for adenosarcoma is yet unknown. Genetic factors might play a role, since this tumor frequently affects children that suffer from another malformation (e.g. at the eye or the urethra). It is assumed that changes of the genetic make-up, especially chromosome 11, encourage the disease.

Symptoms of adenosarcoma of the kidney: at an early stage of the illness, symptoms hardly ever show. The main symptom is a protrusion of the stomach, that doesn’t cause pain. Other symptoms are blood in the urine, vomiting, alternating diarrhoea and constipation, and fever. Other special characteristics may include skin pigments, excessive growth of one half of the body, excessive growth of the inner organs, malformations of the kidney and urinal tract, lack of an iris.

Early detection of adenosarcoma of the kidney: diagnostics include an examination, computer tomography, magnetic resonance tomography, ultrasound examination and x-ray.

Traditional medical therapies: surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy.

All medical information is subject to change regarding correctness and completeness.

There is a double-blind study of the European Centre for Environmental Medicine in cooperation with the Lower Austrian Regional Medical Insurance, that shows that 90 % of humans who fell ill with cancer had their sleeping places on geo-pathogenic disturbance zones such as water veins, faults or earth rays. For this reason, it is important for someone suffering from cancer to have his or her sleeping place examined by a radiesthecist (dowser) and change the place if need be, without using any dubious shielding devices.

Spiritual healing as a measure to support the traditional medical treatment of an adenosarcoma of the kidney:

The combination of traditional medical therapies and spiritual healing increases the odds of recovery.

As a spiritual healer I try to use my power of concentration to limit the growth of cancer cells and tumors as well as of cancer sleeper cells (micro-metastases) and also boost the human’s immune system, i.e. regulate the hormone household via the hypophysis, the thyroid gland, the parathyroid gland, the pancreas and the adrenal cortex. In my opinion, the interplay of the hormones is very important for the functioning of the body’s own immune system. Intuition helps me as a clairvoyant to visualize the best possible approach for the respective person and his or her illness.

When people suffer from a serious disease like an adenosarcoma of the kidney, it is best to work with them every day. It isn’t necessary for the client to be physically present. The client’s photo or signature are sufficient.

Scientific double-blind studies on spiritual healing were performed in the USA. Spiritual healing can help, as was clearly shown by the results.

Spiritual healing exclusively focuses on the activation and harmonization of the body’s own energy fields (life energy) and is not considered a healing treatment. The effectiveness and success of energy treatments have not been scientifically proven in Austria. They have been falsified for various methods. No promises are made as to success, recovery or relief. All patients must voluntarily agree to this method of treatment.

In accordance with that, spiritual healing doesn’t present a substitute for a medical diagnosis or treatment or a psychological or psychotherapeutic treatment or examination. Any statements or pieces of advice are not considered diagnoses but are solely energy-related descriptions of a person’s state.

Kidney cancer – kidney tumor: odds of recovery

Sunday, January 17th, 2010

Kidney cancer (case study see press report) refers to malign tumors that emanate from the kidneys. The most frequent type of kidney cancer in adults is renal cell carcinoma (hypernephroma). Other types include lymphomas and sarcomas of the kidney as well as Wilms’ tumors (kidney cancer). Usually, only one of the two kidneys is affected by kidney cancer.

Kidney cancer in adults makes for about 3% of all cancers in Germany. This cancer is most frequently diagnosed in people between the ages of 60 and 70 years of age.

The exact cause is yet unknown. In general, a genetic cause is assumed, namely a change of genetic material: certain genes (anti-oncogenes, tumor suppressor genes) usually prevent the reproduction of immature cells, from which the tumor cells emanate. The reason for this mutation is not clear yet.

Risk factors of kidney cancer: Smoking, the frequent contact with asbestos, petroleum products and solvents damaging the kidneys, overweight, high-fat nutrition and hormonal factors count among the risk factors. Chronic kidney diseases and the Hippel-Lindau syndrome are also among the risk factors.

Symptoms of kidney cancer: As with many cancers, symptoms only occur at an advanced stage, i.e. when the tumor is already big or metastases (secondary tumors) have already formed. The symptoms include blood in the urine, high blood pressure, anaemia, back pain, fever, fatigue, lack of appetite, vomiting.

Early detection of kidney cancer: Diagnostics may include computer tomography, magnetic resonance tomography, ultrasound examination, x-ray. Furthermore, a bone scintigraphy, ultrasound examination of the liver and x-ray of the lungs may be used to determine possible metastases.

Traditional medical therapies of kidney cancer: surgery, radiotherapy, immunotherapy.

All medical information is subject to change regarding the correctness and completeness.

The combination of traditional medical therapies and spiritual healing increases the odds of recovery.

There is a double-blind study of the European Centre for Environmental Medicine in cooperation with the Lower Austrian Regional Medical Insurance, that shows that 90 % of humans who fell ill with cancer had their sleeping places on geo-pathogenic disturbance zones such as water veins, faults or earth rays. For this reason, it is important for someone suffering from cancer to have his or her sleeping place examined by a radiesthecist (dowser) and change the place if need be, without using any dubious shielding devices.

Scientific double-blind studies on spiritual healing were performed in the USA. Spiritual healing can help, as was clearly shown by the results.

Spiritual healing as a measure to support the traditional medical treatment of kidney cancer:

As a spiritual healer I try to use my power of concentration to confine the growth of the cancer cells and tumors as well as the cancer sleeper cells (micro-metastases) and also boost the patient’s immune system, i.e. I regulate the hormone household via the hypophysis, the thyroid gland, the parathyroid gland, the pancreas and the adrenal cortex. In my opinion, the interplay of the hormones is very important for the functioning of the body’s own immune system. Intuition helps me as a clairvoyant to visualize the best possible approach for the respective person and his or her illness.

When people suffer from serious illnesses such as kidney cancer it is best to work with them every day. When they live far away it isn’t necessary for them to be physically present. The client’s photo or signature are sufficient.

Spiritual healing exclusively focuses on the activation and harmonization of the body’s own energy fields (life energy) and is not considered a healing treatment. The effectiveness and success of energy treatments have not been scientifically proven in Austria. They have been falsified for various methods. No promises are made as to success, recovery or relief. All patients must voluntarily agree to this method of treatment.

In accordance with that, spiritual healing doesn’t present a substitute for a medical diagnosis or treatment or a psychological or psychotherapeutic treatment or examination. Any statements or pieces of advice are not considered diagnoses but are solely energy-related descriptions of a person’s state.

Children’s Cancer Aid and alternative methods to traditional medicine:

Monday, January 11th, 2010

I’m glad there are highly specialized children’s cancer clinics for the children affected and their parents such as St.Anna Children’s Hospital and the children’s clinic of the General Hospital. The Children’s Cancer Aid Parent Initiative was founded in 1986 through the dedication of affected parents and works together closely with those hospitals. I feel that it is necessary that the economy, politics and media support the Children’s Cancer Aid even more.

I want to go public since many institutions in Austria still pretend that spiritual healers don’t exist or this alternative and supportive approach is badly reflected upon. I consider my work as a spiritual healer as a measure to support traditional medicine, that cannot replace the other.

I have been working as a spiritual healer since 2003 and take care of increasing numbers of adults and children that have fallen ill with cancer. In many of those affected the illness is at a very advanced stage. There have been many children whose parents had lost all their hope of their children recovering after a consultation with traditional medical practitioners. Despite all those bad predictions, the children recovered.

I focus especially on working with the cancer sleeper cells (micro-metastases). A chemotherapy can eliminate the majority of the tumor cells but it doesn’t attack the so-called cancer sleeper cells, that are often in the marrow or bloodstream for an uncertain amount of time. Scientific research assumes that these cancer sleeper cells can be activated through a certain protein, osteopontin, and can trigger liver cancer, lung cancer, head tumors or bowel cancer etc.

All medical information is subject to change regarding the correctness and completeness.

Scientific double-blind studies on spiritual healing were performed in the USA. Spiritual healing can help, as was clearly shown by the results.

Spiritual healing as a measure to support the traditional medical treatment of cancer:

The combination of traditional medical therapies and spiritual healing increases the odds of recovery.

As a spiritual healer I try to use my power of concentration to limit the growth of cancer cells and tumors as well as of cancer sleeper cells (micro-metastases) and also boost the human’s immune system, i.e. regulate the hormone household via the hypophysis, the thyroid gland, the parathyroid gland, the pancreas and the adrenal cortex. In my opinion, the interplay of the hormones is very important for the functioning of the body’s own immune system. Intuition helps me as a clairvoyant to visualize the best possible approach for the respective person and his or her illness.

When people suffer from a serious disease like cancer, it is best to work with them every day. It isn’t necessary for the client to be physically present. The client’s photo or signature are sufficient.

There is a double-blind study of the European Centre for Environmental Medicine in cooperation with the Lower Austrian Regional Medical Insurance, that shows that 90 % of humans who fell ill with cancer had their sleeping places on geo-pathogenic disturbance zones such as water veins, faults or earth rays. For this reason, it is important for someone suffering from cancer to have his or her sleeping place examined by a radiesthecist (dowser) and change the place if need be, without using any dubious shielding devices.

Spiritual healing exclusively focuses on the activation and harmonization of the body’s own energy fields (life energy) and is not considered a healing treatment. The effectiveness and success of energy treatments have not been scientifically proven in Austria. They have been falsified for various methods. No promises are made as to success, recovery or relief. All patients must voluntarily agree to this method of treatment.

In accordance with that, spiritual healing doesn’t present a substitute for a medical diagnosis or treatment or a psychological or psychotherapeutic treatment or examination. Any statements or pieces of advice are not considered diagnoses but are solely energy-related descriptions of a person’s state.

Cancer sleeper cells (micro-metastases): odds of recovery

Sunday, January 3rd, 2010

A chemotherapy whose efficacy is ideally adjusted to the tumor can eliminate more than 99% of the existing cancer cells. However, there are also so-called “cancer sleeper cells” (micro-metastases), that a chemotherapy doesn’t attack. These sleeper cells are in the bloodstream but also very often in the bone marrow and remain in the body for an uncertain amount of time. Scientific studies believe that these cells are activated through a certain protein, osteopontin, and start to metastasize. This can lead to the formation of tumors throughout the whole body (head, bowels, liver, pancreas, lungs etc).

All medical information is subject to change regarding the correctness and completeness.

The combination of traditional medical therapies and spiritual healing increases the odds of recovery.

Spiritual healing as a measure to support the traditional medical treatment of cancer:

As a spiritual healer I try to use my power of concentration to limit the growth of cancer cells and tumors as well as of cancer sleeper cells (micro-metastases), so they can’t metastasize and multiply. As a next step, I try to contain them and kill them off. I also boost the human’s immune system so the cancer can’t break out anew, i.e. I regulate the hormone household via the hypophysis, the thyroid gland, the parathyroid gland, the pancreas and the adrenal cortex. In my opinion, the interplay of the hormones is very important for the functioning of the body’s own immune system. Intuition helps me as a clairvoyant to visualize the best possible approach for the respective person and his or her illness.

When people suffer from a serious disease like cancer, it is best to work with them every day. It isn’t necessary for the client to be physically present. The client’s photo or signature are sufficient.

Spiritual healing exclusively focuses on the activation and harmonization of the body’s own energy fields (life energy) and is not considered a healing treatment. The effectiveness and success of energy treatments have not been scientifically proven in Austria. They have been falsified for various methods. No promises are made as to success, recovery or relief. All patients must voluntarily agree to this method of treatment.

In accordance with that, spiritual healing doesn’t present a substitute for a medical diagnosis or treatment or a psychological or psychotherapeutic treatment or examination. Any statements or pieces of advice are not considered diagnoses but are solely energy-related descriptions of a person’s state.
Scientific double-blind studies on spiritual healing were performed in the USA. Spiritual healing can help, as was clearly shown by the results.

There is a double-blind study of the European Centre for Environmental Medicine in cooperation with the Lower Austrian Regional Medical Insurance, that shows that 90 % of humans who fell ill with cancer had their sleeping places on geo-pathogenic disturbance zones such as water veins, faults or earth rays. For this reason, it is important for someone suffering from cancer to have his or her sleeping place examined by a radiesthecist (dowser) and change the place if need be, without using any dubious shielding devices.

Neurodermatitis: odds of recovery

Friday, December 11th, 2009

Neurodermatitis is an atopic illness just like hay fever and asthma, which means that the body’s own immune system produces strong defense responses against substances from the environment that are generally harmless (allergens such as pollen, animal hair, house dust etc.). Special sup-groups of the white blood cells act against those allergens. This results in the formation of huge amounts of antibodies (defense substances) against the allergens and eventually causes an inflammatory defense response of the skin.

Neurodermatitis is one of the most frequent skin diseases, that affects children extremely often. The number of those affected by the illness has rocketed since the 1960s.

Causes of neurodermatitis: traditional medicine considers allergens, a mechanical irritation of the skin (e.g. when wearing wool clothes), certain foods, infections or climatic conditions to be causes of neurodermatitis. In my opinion, there are way more serious causes: vaccines can contain formaldehyde, aluminum, quicksilver (which is the most poisonous non-radioactive substance) and vaccine boosters (squalene). I can imagine that the body’s own immune system is misdirected by the introduction of those substances. In general, toxic substances shouldn’t have any place in the human body. Everyone has to have his or her own opinion on that.

Symptoms of neurodermatitis: itching, redness, flaking off of the skin.

Diagnosis of neurodermatitis: case history and examination, dermatological test, blood examination.

Traditional medical therapies of neurodermatitis: medicine (cortisone, antihistamines, antibiotics), external treatment with salves (cortisone salve), climatotherapy, light therapy, advice on how to take care of sensitive skin (no aggressive soaps and detergents).

All medical information is subject to change regarding the correctness and completeness.

The combination of traditional medical therapies and spiritual healing increases the odds of recovery.

Scientific double-blind studies on spiritual healing were performed in the USA. Spiritual healing can help, as was clearly shown by the results.

Spiritual healing as a measure to support the traditional medical treatment of neurodermatitis:

Healing neurodermatitis:
Intuition helps me as a clairvoyant to visualize the best possible approach for the respective person and his or her illness As a spiritual healer I try to adjust the immune system so it doesn’t react to allergenic substances anymore.

When people live far away, it isn’t necessary for them to be physically present. The client’s photo or signature are sufficient.

Experience has shown me that a good sleeping place is also very important with regard to neurodermatitis.

Some general information:

There is a double-blind study of the European Centre for Environmental Medicine in cooperation with the Lower Austrian Regional Medical Insurance, that shows that 90 % of humans who fell ill with cancer had their sleeping places on geo-pathogenic disturbance zones such as water veins, faults or earth rays. For this reason, it is important for someone suffering from cancer to have his or her sleeping place examined by a radiesthecist (dowser) and change the place if need be, without using any dubious shielding devices.

Spiritual healing exclusively focuses on the activation and harmonization of the body’s own energy fields (life energy) and is not considered a healing treatment. The effectiveness and success of energy treatments have not been scientifically proven in Austria. They have been falsified for various methods. No promises are made as to success, recovery or relief. All patients must voluntarily agree to this method of treatment.

In accordance with that, spiritual healing doesn’t present a substitute for a medical diagnosis or treatment or a psychological or psychotherapeutic treatment or examination. Any statements or pieces of advice are not considered diagnoses but are solely energy-related descriptions of a per

Herniated disc (disc prolapse): odds of recovery

Friday, December 4th, 2009

Degenerative changes in the spinal discs and the neighbouring vertebral bodies are considered to be the most frequent cause of a herniated disc. This complaint is chronic in elderly people. Young people may also be affected by a herniated disc, overload, injuries or an individual disposition being the causes.

The lumbar spine and the cervical spine are most likely to be affected by a herniated disc. When the lumbar spine is affected the pain is felt in the back and can spread out to the feet. When the cervical spine is affected, pain and a loss of sensitivity are felt in the shoulder, arm and fingers.

Prevention of herniated disc: strengthening the muscles in the stomach and back, lifting heavy things the right way (from a squat, avoid lifting and rotating at the same time), right working position, ergonomic seats, repeatedly take breaks when doing tasks that require sitting.

Diagnosis of herniated disc (disc prolapse): neurological exam, x-ray, sectional imaging technique, myelography.

Traditional medical therapies of herniated disc: immobilization of the spine, bed with special back support, neck brace, medicine, physiotherapy, surgery, minimally invasive treatment, periradicular pain therapy, peridural pain therapy, facet joint treatment.

All medical information is subject to change regarding the correctness and completeness.

Spiritual healing as a measure to support the traditional medical treatment of a herniated disc (disc prolapse):

The combination of traditional medical therapies and spiritual healing increases the odds of recovery.

Healing herniated disc: Intuition helps me as a clairvoyant to visualize the best possible approach for the respective person and his or her illness. As a spiritual healer I try to lay open the stuck nerves on a spiritual level so that the spinal disc doesn’t press on the nerve anymore.

When people live far away, it isn’t necessary for the client to be physically present. The client’s photo or signature are sufficient.

Scientific double-blind studies on spiritual healing were performed in the USA. Spiritual healing can help, as was clearly shown by the results.

Spiritual healing exclusively focuses on the activation and harmonization of the body’s own energy fields (life energy) and is not considered a healing treatment. The effectiveness and success of energy treatments have not been scientifically proven in Austria. They have been falsified for various methods. No promises are made as to success, recovery or relief. All patients must voluntarily agree to this method of treatment.

In accordance with that, spiritual healing doesn’t present a substitute for a medical diagnosis or treatment or a psychological or psychotherapeutic treatment or examination. Any statements or pieces of advice are not considered diagnoses but are solely energy-related descriptions of a person’s state.

I know from experience that a good sleeping place is also very important with regard to herniated disc.

Some general information:

There is a double-blind study of the European Centre for Environmental Medicine in cooperation with the Lower Austrian Regional Medical Insurance, that shows that 90 % of humans who fell ill with cancer had their sleeping places on geo-pathogenic disturbance zones such as water veins, faults or earth rays. For this reason, it is important for someone suffering from cancer to have his or her sleeping place examined by a radiesthecist (dowser) and change the place if need be, without using any dubious shielding devices.

Tinnitus: odds of recovery

Monday, November 30th, 2009

Tinnitus is the permanent or recurring subjective hearing of a tone or noise. Tinnitus isn’t referred to as a sickness, but as a symptom. There is a distinction between acute and chronic tinnitus.

Risk factors of tinnitus: The cause isn’t completely clear yet, and there are lots of possible risk factors. These include, in the inner ear, noise hearing loss, sudden deafness, acoustic trauma, Meniere’s disease, age-related deafness, high drop in blood pressure followed by decreased blood flow in the inner ear, medicine. In the tympanum, the possible causes include immovability of the eardrum, otitis media, otitis media with effusion, eardrum surgery, tube function disturbance. In the auditory canal / eardrum, risk factors include: earwax, foreign bodies (cotton etc.), protruding bones in the auditory canal. Further risk factors include stress, anaemia, too low blood pressure, too high blood pressure, multiple sclerosis, meningitis.

Symptoms of tinnitus: The tones or noises that are perceived can be very diverse. Jingling, humming, sawing, swhoosing and whistling noises have been described. These can occur interruptedly, may modulate in their frequency, occur decayingly or continuously. Tinnitus can often lead to sleep disorders, anxiety states, depressions and the inability to work. These symptoms in turn may cause stress, which makes the tinnitus exacerbate further.

Diagnosis of tinnitus: Diagnostics include anamnesis (asking the person affected questions), ear-nose-throat examination, hearing test with a tuning fork, compiling an audiogram, measuring the blood pressure, tympanogram, stapedial reflexes, masking check. The following measures might also be performed: balance check, compilation of a differential blood count, exam on functionality of the cervical spine, magnetic resonance tomography.

Traditional medical therapies of tinnitus: treatment with drugs, oxygen therapy, psycho-somatic treatment, application of a tinnitus masker that masks the noise.

All medical information is subject to change regarding the correctness and completeness.

The combination of traditional medical therapies and spiritual healing increases the odds of recovery.

Spiritual healing as a measure to support the traditional medical treatment of tinnitus:

As a clairvoyant I use my intuition (clairvoyance) to visualize the best possible healing approach for the respective person and his / her illness. As a spiritual healer, I try to prevent the kneejerk reaction in the ear that causes the whistling or swooshing, in my opinion.

When clients live far away it isn’t necessary for them to be physically present. The client’s photo or signature are sufficient in this case.

Scientific double-blind studies on spiritual healing were performed in the USA. Spiritual healing can help, as was clearly shown by the results.

Spiritual healing exclusively focuses on the activation and harmonization of the body’s own energy fields (life energy) and is not considered a healing treatment. The effectiveness and success of energy treatments have not been scientifically proven in Austria. They have been falsified for various methods. No promises are made as to success, recovery or relief. All patients must voluntarily agree to this method of treatment.

In accordance with that, spiritual healing doesn’t present a substitute for a medical diagnosis or treatment or a psychological or psychotherapeutic treatment or examination. Any statements or pieces of advice are not considered diagnoses but are solely energy-related descriptions of a person’s state.

As general information:

There is a double-blind study of the European Centre for Environmental Medicine in cooperation with the Lower Austrian Regional Medical Insurance, that shows that 90 % of humans who fell ill with cancer had their sleeping places on geo-pathogenic disturbance zones such as water veins, faults or earth rays. For this reason, it is important for someone suffering from cancer to have his or her sleeping place examined by a radiesthecist (dowser) and change the place if need be, without using any dubious shielding devices.

Allergies: odds of recovery

Friday, November 27th, 2009
Case studies see press report.
Allergy is defined as an out-of-norm overreaction of the immune system to certain foreign matter (allergens). This overreaction only happens after repeated contact with the allergen. Any substance in the environment can become an allergen and trigger an allergy, such as plant products (e.g. pollen), chemicals (e.g. dye stuffs and preservatives), animal products (e.g. bee poison), metal (e.g. nickel). The occurrence of allergies has increased dramatically in the last few decades.
Allergies can be distinguished by the way they enter the body:
contact allergy: skin contact with e.g. cosmetics, metals such as nickel
parasitic or microbial allergy: infestation with parasites (e.g. worms), but also infection with bacteria or viruses
insect poison allergy: after insect bites
medicament allergy: reaction to certain medicine
food allergy: after eating or drinking e.g. strawberries, seafood, red wine, preservatives
inhalation allergy: breathing e.g. house dust, grass pollen
Allergy risk factors: scientists consider the excessive hygiene in a child’s first years as the cause for the increase in the occurrence of allergies. According to a survey, children growing up in the city are 15 times more prone to have allergies than children growing up on farms. This difference has to do with the fact that children on farms are exposed to different influences from animal hair and discharge and grass, grain and tree pollen from a very early age.
Allergy symptoms: sniffles, sneezing (hay fever), trouble breathing, throwing up or diarrhoea, rashes, hives, itchy eyes.
Diagnosis: blood test, provocation test.
Traditional medical therapy: hypo-sensitization therapy, treatment with drugs.
All medical information is subject to change regarding the correctness and completeness.
Spiritual healing as a measure to support the traditional medical treatment of allergies:
The combination of traditional medical therapies and spiritual healing increases the odds of recovery.
As a spiritual healer I try to use my power of concentration to build up and boost the human’s immune system so allergies can’t break out anew, i.e. I regulate the hormone household via the hypophysis, the thyroid gland, the parathyroid gland, the pancreas and the adrenal cortex. In my opinion, the interplay of the hormones is very important for the functioning of the body’s own immune system. Intuition helps me as a clairvoyant to visualize the best possible approach for the respective person and his or her illness.
When people live far away it isn’t necessary for them to be physically present. The client’s photo or signature are sufficient.
Scientific double-blind studies on spiritual healing were performed in the USA. Spiritual healing can help, as was clearly shown by the results.
Spiritual healing exclusively focuses on the activation and harmonization of the body’s own energy fields (life energy) and is not considered a healing treatment. The effectiveness and success of energy treatments have not been scientifically proven in Austria. They have been falsified for various methods. No promises are made as to success, recovery or relief. All patients must voluntarily agree to this method of treatment.
In accordance with that, spiritual healing doesn’t present a substitute for a medical diagnosis or treatment or a psychological or psychotherapeutic treatment or examination. Any statements or pieces of advice are not considered diagnoses but are solely energy-related descriptions of a person’s state.
There is a double-blind study of the European Centre for Environmental Medicine in cooperation with the Lower Austrian Regional Medical Insurance, that shows that 90 % of humans who fell ill with cancer had their sleeping places on geo-pathogenic disturbance zones such as water veins, faults or earth rays. For this reason, it is important for someone suffering from cancer to have his or her sleeping place examined by a radiesthecist (dowser) and change the place if need be, without using any dubious shielding devices.

Allergy is defined as an out-of-norm overreaction of the immune system to certain foreign matter (allergens). This overreaction only happens after repeated contact with the allergen. Any substance in the environment can become an allergen and trigger an allergy, such as plant products (e.g. pollen), chemicals (e.g. dye stuffs and preservatives), animal products (e.g. bee poison), metal (e.g. nickel). The occurrence of allergies has increased dramatically in the last few decades.

Allergies can be distinguished by the way they enter the body:

  • contact allergy: skin contact with e.g. cosmetics, metals such as nickel
  • parasitic or microbial allergy: infestation with parasites (e.g. worms), but also infection with bacteria or viruses
  • insect poison allergy: after insect bites
  • medicament allergy: reaction to certain medicine
  • food allergy: after eating or drinking e.g. strawberries, seafood, red wine, preservatives
  • inhalation allergy: breathing e.g. house dust, grass pollen

Allergy risk factors: scientists consider the excessive hygiene in a child’s first years as the cause for the increase in the occurrence of allergies. According to a survey, children growing up in the city are 15 times more prone to have allergies than children growing up on farms. This difference has to do with the fact that children on farms are exposed to different influences from animal hair and discharge and grass, grain and tree pollen from a very early age.

Allergy symptoms: sniffles, sneezing (hay fever), trouble breathing, throwing up or diarrhoea, rashes, hives, itchy eyes.

Diagnosis: blood test, provocation test.

Traditional medical therapy: hypo-sensitization therapy, treatment with drugs.

All medical information is subject to change regarding the correctness and completeness.

Spiritual healing as a measure to support the traditional medical treatment of allergies:

The combination of traditional medical therapies and spiritual healing increases the odds of recovery.

As a spiritual healer I try to use my power of concentration to build up and boost the human’s immune system so allergies can’t break out anew, i.e. I regulate the hormone household via the hypophysis, the thyroid gland, the parathyroid gland, the pancreas and the adrenal cortex. In my opinion, the interplay of the hormones is very important for the functioning of the body’s own immune system. Intuition helps me as a clairvoyant to visualize the best possible approach for the respective person and his or her illness.

When people live far away it isn’t necessary for them to be physically present. The client’s photo or signature are sufficient.

Scientific double-blind studies on spiritual healing were performed in the USA. Spiritual healing can help, as was clearly shown by the results.

Spiritual healing exclusively focuses on the activation and harmonization of the body’s own energy fields (life energy) and is not considered a healing treatment. The effectiveness and success of energy treatments have not been scientifically proven in Austria. They have been falsified for various methods. No promises are made as to success, recovery or relief. All patients must voluntarily agree to this method of treatment.

In accordance with that, spiritual healing doesn’t present a substitute for a medical diagnosis or treatment or a psychological or psychotherapeutic treatment or examination. Any statements or pieces of advice are not considered diagnoses but are solely energy-related descriptions of a person’s state.

There is a double-blind study of the European Centre for Environmental Medicine in cooperation with the Lower Austrian Regional Medical Insurance, that shows that 90 % of humans who fell ill with cancer had their sleeping places on geo-pathogenic disturbance zones such as water veins, faults or earth rays. For this reason, it is important for someone suffering from cancer to have his or her sleeping place examined by a radiesthecist (dowser) and change the place if need be, without using any dubious shielding devices.