Stierberg in Waldviertel and its healing strength:

The Stierberg (= literally: bull’s mountain) in the Waldviertel area is located between Langschlag and Weitra and is an unusual point of strength. Along its crest, there are numerous cup-marked stones. The main source of strength is the formation of stones at the mountain’s highest peak. In this place, there is a certain point that is only about two square metres big, but from experience I feel that it has a very positive impact on human beings.

I have examined Stierberg a few times as a radiesthecist and have found that this special point holds strong healing strength in it from a radiesthetic point of view. Since I work as a spiritual healer full-time, I know that such a place of strength can support the recovery from different illnesses.

The bull has been considered a symbol of fertility since ancient times and was worshipped in many ancient cultures. Many couples come to me because they are unsuccessfully trying to have a child. As a spiritual healer I work with them also from a distance and always suggest to them to use the special place of strength on top of the Stierberg as a support.

Spending time in that place also has a positive impact on people suffering from multiple sclerosis, e.g. Clients told me that they felt very well after going there and that their illness became insignificant for a few days.

The Stierberg is part of a hiking trail around Langschlag, that leads past several places of strength, such as the Kamelstein (= camel stone), the Augenbründl (= eye well), the Familienstein (= family stone) and the Mutter-Kind-Stein (= mother-and-child stone).

Usually you don’t meet many people at the Stierberg and are able to have it impact you without interruption.

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