Spiritual healers and ethics

Case studies see press report
Ethical principles are of the utmost priority to me when working as a spiritual healer: I don’t promise recovery to my clients. Neither do I make diagnoses like a doctor. Some people who come to see me absolutely want to know what their health problems are. I don’t present them with a diagnosis but ask them as a spiritual healer if they have problems in this or that area. I ask those clients whom I lay my hands on if I may put my hand on their forehead or stomach.
When clients complain of pain, not feeling well, panic attacks or anxiety states etc., the spiritual healer is obliged to recommend they see a doctor.
Most of my clients feel like telling me their personal case history. It goes without saying that I listen to them and don’t interrupt them. It is my duty to explain to them my approach and possibilities as a spiritual healer. For clients whom I work with from a distance, regular contact via email or on the phone (text messages) is important so they can tell me about their current condition. I know from experience that this regular contact significantly adds to the success.
From time to time, I meet people who would like to use my abilities for third persons, who are not supposed to know about it. My philosophy, however, is that I will only work for grown-ups who can read my information sheet, fill it out and sign it. I make exceptions for children, in which case the parents sign. Another exception are people who are in an (artificial) coma. In this case, the family decides.
In my opinion, every spiritual healer is obliged to treat any information on their clients absolutely confidentially.
I also sometimes get asked whether I can’t give information regarding third persons, e.g. a  person’s brother-in-law, their neighbour or someone else. Naturally, I don’t engage in this kind of work.

Ethical principles are of the utmost priority to me when working as a spiritual healer: I don’t promise recovery to my clients. Neither do I make diagnoses like a doctor. Some people who come to see me absolutely want to know what their health problems are. I don’t present them with a diagnosis but ask them as a spiritual healer if they have problems in this or that area. I ask those clients whom I lay my hands on if I may put my hand on their forehead or stomach.

When clients complain of pain, not feeling well, panic attacks or anxiety states etc., the spiritual healer is obliged to recommend they see a doctor.

Most of my clients feel like telling me their personal case history. It goes without saying that I listen to them and don’t interrupt them. It is my duty to explain to them my approach and possibilities as a spiritual healer. For clients whom I work with from a distance, regular contact via email or on the phone (text messages) is important so they can tell me about their current condition. I know from experience that this regular contact significantly adds to the success.

From time to time, I meet people who would like to use my abilities for third persons, who are not supposed to know about it. My philosophy, however, is that I will only work for grown-ups who can read my information sheet, fill it out and sign it. I make exceptions for children, in which case the parents sign. Another exception are people who are in an (artificial) coma. In this case, the family decides.

In my opinion, every spiritual healer is obliged to treat any information on their clients absolutely confidentially.

I also sometimes get asked whether I can’t give information regarding third persons, e.g. a person’s brother-in-law, their neighbour or someone else. Naturally, I don’t engage in this kind of work.

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