Cancer: Spiritual healing (averting illness) and radiesthesia

Geistheilung bei unerfülltem Kinderwunsch


Geistheilung für Tiere

Parkinson’s Disease (agitated paralysis)

Healing cancer?

Bladder cancer (urinary bladder cancer, urinary bladder carcinoma): odds of recovery

Tongue cancer (Tongue carcinoma): odds of recovery

Lymphatic cancer (non-Hodgkin-lymphomas): odds of recovery

Healing hands – healing spirit

Spiritual healers in Austria

Are spiritual healers allowed to accept money?

Spiritual healers and ethics

Spiritual healer as a job: how do I become a spiritual healer?

The best spiritual healers and their methods

Stomach cancer (stomach carcinoma): chances of recovery

Averter of illness – Averting illness – spiritual healing

Laryngeal cancer (Laryngeal cancer): chances of recovery

Thymoma, thymus carcinoma: chances of recovery

Oesophageal cancer (oesophagus carcinoma): odds of recovery

Back pain, back complaint: odds of recovery

Stierberg in Waldviertel and its healing strength:

Adenosarcoma of the kidney (kidney cancer): odds of recovery

Kidney cancer – kidney tumor: odds of recovery

Children’s Cancer Aid and alternative methods to traditional medicine:

Cancer sleeper cells (micro-metastases): odds of recovery

Neurodermatitis: odds of recovery

Herniated disc (disc prolapse): odds of recovery

Tinnitus: odds of recovery

Allergies: odds of recovery

Multiple Sclerosis (MS): odds of recovery

Prostate cancer, prostate carcinoma: odds of recovery

Bone cancer, bone tumors, sarcomas: odds of recovery

Testicle cancer: odds of recovery

Cervical cancer, cervix carcinoma: odds of recovery

Lymph gland cancer (Hodgkin’s lymphoma): odds of recovery

Uterine cancer: odds of recovery

Head tumor (brain tumor): odds of recovery

Leukaemia (leucosis, blood cancer): odds of recovery

Anal cancer (anal carcinoma): odds of recovery

Rectal cancer, colon cancer (bowel cancer): odds of recovery

Brain tumor, meningioma, head tumor: odds of recovery

Skin cancer (melanoma): odds of recovery

Pancreatic cancer (pancreatic carcinoma): odds of recovery

Breast cancer – breast carcinoma: odds of recovery

Lung cancer: odds of recovery

Günther Offenberger: Spiritual healing: the power of the human mind

Liver cancer – liver tumor

Famous healers: Paracelsus

Hildegard of Bingen

Famous spiritual healers: Bruno Gröning

Archive for the ‘Spiritual Healing’ Category

Spiritual healers in Austria

Tuesday, May 4th, 2010

I, Günther Offenberger, have been working as a spiritual healer since 2003, full-time since 2005. My great-grandfather was also a well-known spiritual healer in Austria and was able to support the healing process in both human beings and animals.

The Austrian traditional form of spiritual healing can be traced back to the twelfth century, according to written documents. The healer mentally tries to avert the illness and activate the healing process. Most healers take the phases of the moon into consideration (waxing moon and decreasing moon), full moon and new moon being special days. The method of “averting” isn’t only used for human beings but also for animals. This was especially important in former centuries since the rural population couldn’t afford either a doctor or a veterinarian for their livestock. Besides the healer, there were the “herb woman”, the “band aid maker” and the “bone healer”.

The old traditional method of “averting the illness” is hardly used anymore by spiritual healers in Austria.

Nowadays, there are different forms of healing, and every day these are probably joined by one or two new methods. In the end, they all aim at the same: helping the human being or the animal.

Spiritual healing can serve as a supportive measure to complement a traditional medical therapy and can be applied to many different areas. When traditional medicine hits the brick wall and patients are told that they are beyond treatment, I as a spiritual healer don’t give up on a single client. Ethical principles are of the highest priority to me: neither do I promise recovery nor do I make a diagnosis for the patient.

Many of my clients suffer from serious illnesses or illnesses that are incurable, according to traditional medicine, such as colitis ulcerativa, Crohn’s disease, Bekhterev’s disease, Parkinson, multiple sclerosis, allergies and cancer. Besides, people with psychological diseases such as burn-out, anxiety states or schizophrenia come to see me.

I have found two approaches that work very well for me as a spiritual healer: either the client makes an appointment with me and comes to see me personally so I can work with his or her energy field, or I work from a distance with a photo (distance healing), i.e. the client is not physically present. This approach is very advantageous when the client suffers from a serious illness or lives far away from me.

Traditional medicine often refers to the placebo effect as explanation for the effectiveness of spiritual healing. However, I have worked with people in a coma, babies or animals, in which cases the placebo effect is impossible, and my work still led to success.

In the respective case studies, the doctors in charge had very little or no hope that the people affected could recover. I have managed to activate the process of self-healing in thousands of people that came to see me. Many of them have made a full recovery.

As a spiritual healer in Austria, you are considered a quack or charlatan not only by most doctors or pharmacists but also by the population. In my opinion, spiritual healing has its place in Austria, since I have documented many cases in which people had been given up on by traditional medicine and recovered after all. By now, there are some doctors that are very open to spiritual healing.  The pressure from the Austrian Medical Chamber, however, is so strong that the doctors don’t want to publicly admit their interest. It would be great to be able to give lectures about my approach at Austrian universities. This is very common at universities in the USA or Great Britain.

Scientific double-blind studies were performed on spiritual healing in the USA. Spiritual healing can help, as was demonstrated clearly by the results.

Are spiritual healers allowed to accept money?

Sunday, April 25th, 2010

I work full-time as a spiritual healer myself and would like to get rid of the old cliché that healers must not accept any or only a voluntary fee. According to some stories, the healer’s work won’t help the client if the healer takes money. Old popular beliefs state that a spiritual healer must not ask for money himself.

However, spiritual healing nowadays is a service occupation just like any other, and hence it is ok to take money for it. By now, there are about 25,000 energy practitioners in Austria trying to help people. Of those, about 100 to 200 work full-time in this field. The others work as a healer part-time or have not registered their work as a trade. There are about 13,000 doctors in Austria that make between 4,000 and 100,000 Euro per month. Consider the difference: no patient has second thoughts when his or her doctor accounts a suitable fee for the service rendered. Many patients aren’t even aware how much the consultation with a doctor or surgery cost, since the fee is balanced directly with the social insurance. That way, it is easy for patients to think that traditional medical treatments are free of cost.

When a spiritual healer accounts a salary for the time that he works for a client, it is always perceived as morally questionable by the society. However, when someone works as a spiritual healer full-time, he or she has to make a living, including taxes and charges.

An old wisdom has proven to be true: when I was giving people free treatments as a spiritual healer, the clients were mostly ungrateful, even though I was able to help them with their health problems. They didn’t show any appreciation or respect for my work.

Furthermore, I would like to mention that I have documented many cases as a spiritual healer, in which I naturally accounted a salary and the clients recovered. (Article: Stadt-Land-Zeitung).

I would like to point to the old cosmic law: Taking and giving have to be balanced.

Spiritual healers and ethics

Wednesday, April 21st, 2010
Case studies see press report
Ethical principles are of the utmost priority to me when working as a spiritual healer: I don’t promise recovery to my clients. Neither do I make diagnoses like a doctor. Some people who come to see me absolutely want to know what their health problems are. I don’t present them with a diagnosis but ask them as a spiritual healer if they have problems in this or that area. I ask those clients whom I lay my hands on if I may put my hand on their forehead or stomach.
When clients complain of pain, not feeling well, panic attacks or anxiety states etc., the spiritual healer is obliged to recommend they see a doctor.
Most of my clients feel like telling me their personal case history. It goes without saying that I listen to them and don’t interrupt them. It is my duty to explain to them my approach and possibilities as a spiritual healer. For clients whom I work with from a distance, regular contact via email or on the phone (text messages) is important so they can tell me about their current condition. I know from experience that this regular contact significantly adds to the success.
From time to time, I meet people who would like to use my abilities for third persons, who are not supposed to know about it. My philosophy, however, is that I will only work for grown-ups who can read my information sheet, fill it out and sign it. I make exceptions for children, in which case the parents sign. Another exception are people who are in an (artificial) coma. In this case, the family decides.
In my opinion, every spiritual healer is obliged to treat any information on their clients absolutely confidentially.
I also sometimes get asked whether I can’t give information regarding third persons, e.g. a  person’s brother-in-law, their neighbour or someone else. Naturally, I don’t engage in this kind of work.

Ethical principles are of the utmost priority to me when working as a spiritual healer: I don’t promise recovery to my clients. Neither do I make diagnoses like a doctor. Some people who come to see me absolutely want to know what their health problems are. I don’t present them with a diagnosis but ask them as a spiritual healer if they have problems in this or that area. I ask those clients whom I lay my hands on if I may put my hand on their forehead or stomach.

When clients complain of pain, not feeling well, panic attacks or anxiety states etc., the spiritual healer is obliged to recommend they see a doctor.

Most of my clients feel like telling me their personal case history. It goes without saying that I listen to them and don’t interrupt them. It is my duty to explain to them my approach and possibilities as a spiritual healer. For clients whom I work with from a distance, regular contact via email or on the phone (text messages) is important so they can tell me about their current condition. I know from experience that this regular contact significantly adds to the success.

From time to time, I meet people who would like to use my abilities for third persons, who are not supposed to know about it. My philosophy, however, is that I will only work for grown-ups who can read my information sheet, fill it out and sign it. I make exceptions for children, in which case the parents sign. Another exception are people who are in an (artificial) coma. In this case, the family decides.

In my opinion, every spiritual healer is obliged to treat any information on their clients absolutely confidentially.

I also sometimes get asked whether I can’t give information regarding third persons, e.g. a person’s brother-in-law, their neighbour or someone else. Naturally, I don’t engage in this kind of work.

Spiritual healer as a job: how do I become a spiritual healer?

Saturday, April 17th, 2010

Becoming a spiritual healer is on the hand a gift from God, on the other hand a process of finding yourself. It may be sign of God’s mercy if your ancestors in generations before you already worked as spiritual healers and a certain genetic heritage might exist in your cells. Many people feel a calling to spiritual healing, but as with any job, the wheat is sifted from the chaff. Not everyone who feels that he/she has been called to do this actually has enough talent to work successfully as a spiritual healer. The harsh reality of life and economy measures everything by its success. I always compare this to learning a musical instrument: in general, every person is musical to some degree and can learn an instrument, e.g. the piano. However, depending on the individual talent and eagerness of a person, some learn to play it really well, and others are downright virtuosos. Mercy enables you to do the latter, as well as a great talent and fervour.

Being very successful as a spiritual healer myself today, I advise some people who are interested to never take an actual spiritual healing education. This may sound very contradictory, and I had trouble understanding this myself. It is only today that I understand why it helped me to not have taken an education like that. If you do research on “famous spiritual healers”, you’ll find out that none of those healers was part of any “school” of healing. Humans tend to get caught up in certain systems that are offered and not trust themselves, when they feel uninformed or incompetent in a field. Furthermore, you receive certain information from a teacher and try to apply certain mental techniques to help a client. Those may work well for the teacher, but don’t necessarily work for you, which can be really frustrating. I recommend that you read different books on the topic of spiritual healing but don’t let yourself be fooled into believing that only one certain method works. Play with your intuition like a small child in the sandbox: unbiased and free of prejudice. Simply try techniques that appeal to you and don’t forget that time means change. This means that when a certain method doesn’t work for me anymore after a while I develop a new technique. Put the focus on yourself, you are unique and universal. The goal for a spiritual healer should never be to only work according to one certain approach. Don’t let others get in your way.

I recommend the following books: Das grosse Buch vom geistigen Heilen (The big book on spiritual healing), Dr. Harald Wiesendanger.

Licht-Heilung (light-healing), Barbara Ann Brennan

The best spiritual healers and their methods

Monday, April 12th, 2010

Spiritual healers use their ability to concentrate, i.e. their spirit, to cure the people that have come to them and free them from complaints. The possibilities within this job are almost unlimited. The best spiritual healers try to use their clairvoyance in order to find out the best approach for each individual client and adjust it personally. This increases the chances of succeeding in helping people compared to staying within the scope of particular systems, that are offered in different variants by the respective schools of spiritual healing. All these schools convey a certain approach, but a human being as such is so complex, individual and unique that this systematic approach of some spiritual healers often doesn’t lead to success.

My approach as a spiritual healer is to first talk to the client and look at his or her soul using my skills as a clairvoyant, trying to find out what he or she feels and thinks and what private or health problems he or she has. Following the talk, I scan the client’s aura (energy field) and use my intuition and clairaudience to determine the best possible approach for this person. As a spiritual healer, the senses I use are clairvoyance, clairaudience, sensitivity and intuition.

In order to do my work, I connect to the cosmic divine energy and see myself solely as a transformer, i.e. this doesn’t take any of my own power. The divine lead and the morphogenetic field advise me how to work. While I work, I am in two different states: on the one hand in a normal state of consciousness, in which I speak with the client, on the other hand in a deeply centered state. I am there but also not there, without the client noticing that. The energy flows from a sender to a receiver. I as the spiritual healer am the sender, the client is the receiver. However, the client can also send back his energy to me and further on into the morphogenetic field. This flow of energy can be compared to blood circulation: The heart is the morphogenetic field or the divine energy, that the healer is trying to activate. The heart pumps the fresh, oxygenized blood through the body’s arteries, which stands for the positive flow of energy, that I try to activate. The deoxygenated blood, an image for the patient’s illness, flows back to the heart (morphogenetic field) through the veins. If the healing energy was only sent one way, from the healer to the client, this would result in an energy blockage, which can impact the effectiveness.

On the one hand, the best spiritual healers look for the most successful method of conveying energy to their clients, on the other hand the complaints or the disease may cease. The latter is obviously dependent on the client’s individual frequency pattern. This circulatory principle can be found in each natural process.

As a spiritual healer, I offer people to work with them on site, i.e. with them being physically present. Very often, I don’t even touch the people, sometimes I hold their hand or touch their heads or bellies.

I also work with lots of clients that are not physically present, i.e. from a distance with only a photo of the client.

The best spiritual healers were Bruno Gröning, Nostradamus, Avicenna, Hildegard von Bingen, Dr. Leonhard Hochenegg, Harry Edwards, Billy Parish, Frederik Jones, Francis Schlatter.

Stomach cancer (stomach carcinoma): chances of recovery

Wednesday, March 31st, 2010

Stomach cancer develops when the genotype of cells in the stomach changes. These mutated cells divide faster, and tumors form. Stomach cancer is a malignant illness of the digestive tract, like rectal cancer, colon cancer and oesophageal cancer.

Risk factors for stomach cancer: The exact cause is unknown. The risk factors include certain pre-existing illnesses such as the infection with the bacterium helicobacter pylori, which settles down in the stomach lining. In Germany, 90% of all cases of stomach cancer are at an early stage attributed to the existence of this bacterium. Other stomach diseases that are considered risk factors are certain stomach tumors (adenomatous stomach polypes), a certain form of gastritis (giant folds gastritis), a stomach ulcer, chronic atrophic autoimmune-gastritis (type A), pernicious anaemia as well as former stomach surgeries. Nutrition is another risk factor. For example, the conversion from nitrate to nitrosamines during food preparation is allegedly carcinogenic. Nitrate can be found in smoked and salted foods, but also in many vegetables. Mould fungus poisons (aflatoxins) found in food are also considered risk factors for the development of stomach cancer, as well as the intake of too hot meals, the lack of protein and vitamins, smoking and drinking high-proof alcohol. The odds of developing stomach cancer are increased when primary relatives have fallen ill with stomach cancer. Furthermore, people of blood type A are more prone to develop cancer.

Symptoms of stomach cancer: As with most cancers, there are only unspecific or no symptoms at an early stage. At a later stage, the stool may be black (tarry stool) or the person my throw up dark blood, since the tumor triggers stomach bleeding. Other symptoms are heartburn, nausea, vomiting and abdominal fullness. Further symptoms include unwanted weight loss, trouble swallowing, anaemia or slightly increased body temperature in connection with stomach cancer. The intolerance to certain foods (fruit) or drinks (alcohol, coffee), that appear suddenly, as well as the dislike of meat and the permanent lack of appetite are also considered typical symptoms of stomach cancer.

Early detection of stomach cancer: diagnosing stomach cancer involves the analysis of the case history, the examination of the blood, performing a haemoccult test (testing if the stool contains blood) as well as a gastroscopy and biopsy.

The traditional medical therapy for stomach cancer is an operation.

All medical information is subject to change regarding the correctness and completeness.

The combination of traditional medical therapies and spiritual healing increases the chances of healing.

Spiritual healing as a measure to support the traditional medical treatment of stomach cancer (stomach carcinoma):

As a spiritual healer I try to use my power of concentration to limit the growth of cancer cells and tumors as well as of cancer sleeper cells (micro-metastases) and also boost the human’s immune system, i.e. regulate the hormone household via the hypothysis, the thyroid gland, the parathyroid gland, the pancreas and the adrenal cortex. In my opinion, the interplay of the hormones is very important for the functioning of the body’s own immune system. Intuition helps me as a clairvoyant to visualize the best possible approach for the respective person and his or her illness.

When people suffer from a serious disease like stomach cancer, it is best to work with them every day. It isn’t necessary for the client to be physically present. The client’s photo or signature are sufficient.

Scientific double-blind studies on the topic of spiritual healing were performed in the USA. The results clearly confirmed that spiritual healing can help.

Spiritual healing exclusively focuses on the activation and harmonization of the body’s own energy fields (life energy) and is not considered a healing treatment. The effectiveness and success of energy treatments have not been scientifically proven in Austria. They have been falsified for various methods. No promises are made as to success, recovery or relief. All patients must voluntarily agree to this method of treatment.

In accordance with that, spiritual healing doesn’t present a substitute for a medical diagnosis or treatment or a psychological or psychotherapeutic treatment or examination. Any statements or pieces of advice are not considered diagnoses but are solely energy-related descriptions of a person’s state.

There is a double-blind study of the European Centre for Environmental Medicine in cooperation with the Lower Austrian Regional Medical Insurance, that shows that 90 % of humans who fell ill with cancer had their sleeping places on geo-pathogenic disturbance zones such as water veins, faults or earth rays. For this reason, it is important for someone suffering from cancer to have his or her sleeping place examined by a radiesthecist.

Averter of illness – Averting illness – spiritual healing

Saturday, March 13th, 2010
The technique of “averting illness” is an old traditional form of European spiritual healing, and written documents about it can be traced back to the twelfth century. This concept is still especially well-known in Lower Austria (the Mostviertel region). These healers mostly work with their clients on an exclusively mental level. This form of healing is often passed on from one generation of a family to the next.
Various methods of healing developed from the traditions and activities of the Pagan female priests and druids of the pre-Christian time. In the Middle Ages, different methods were being used side by side: the “averter of illness” tried to “avert” the illness on a mental level, i.e. the changing of illness into health, in humans and animals. The cycle of the moon (crescent and decrescent) played a big role for him. Another form of healing was prayer-healing, with the healer using special healing formulas. Those formulas were usually no traditional prayers such as Our Father or Hail Mary, but God or the Blessed Virgin were asked to grant recovery. Yet another form of averting was “charming”. The healer would sit in the same room as the ill person, leave the room after a certain time and take the illness with him. Then he dissolved the illness using a special charm. “Staunching” was another tradition, in which the “averter” would use solely his spiritual powers to staunch a wound, so that the bleeding would wane and stop. “Averting from a distance” was considered a special form of this healing tradition, in which the ill person didn’t have to be physically present and the healer only needed the person’s name to work with them.
The “herb woman” was a popular figure next to the “averter” and e.g. collected plants during a night of a full moon in order to use their healing power. Very often she also worked as a midwife. Besides her, there was also the “barber surgeon” or “salve- and band-aid-maker”, who mixed special salves that were used for wounds, injuries or pains. The “bone fixer” corresponded approximately to today’s osteopath or chiropractic, and he would fix dislocations of bones. Sometimes there were overlaps between the activity scopes of the different professions, e.g. a “barber surgeon” sometimes also worked as a “bone fixer” or “averter”.
From the turn of the first millennium on, these people were treated with increasing hostility by representatives of Christianity and chased, which culminated in the witch hunts between the 15th century and the middle of the 18th century, during which time hundreds of thousands of people died. Priests were preaching of good and bad and that the bad could be stuck inside a person and the devil could have control over them. They claimed that good people could be seduced by the devil and make use of evil powers by means of different rites (e.g. alchemy) and use them against that which is good. Those beliefs gained momentum among the population so that people set others up against others. If someone didn’t like another person, stories about that person were told and lies made up, that in turn led to a witch trial. In order to compel a confession, those accused were tortured cruelly. Jurisdiction was directly or indirectly implemented by the church. No other religion has killed so many people as Christianity has. For centuries, there have been cases of sexual abuse in Christian institutions, in our time kids are those most affected. At the moment, many victims are breaking the silence publicly.
I am a firm believer myself but can’t accept the kind of religion practiced by the church.
In our modern times, the “barber surgeon”, the “herb woman” and the “bone fixer” cannot be found anymore in their traditional forms since the law prohibits that these professions are exercised. The “averting of illness” as a spiritual means of healing is still practiced and is subject to the business regulations pertaining to “energy practitioners”. One of the most famous kinds of this form of healing is the “averting of warts”, which doesn’t exist in any other healing tradition worldwide, as far as I know. Established healers today work at 10-minute intervals, i.e. they work about 10 minutes for one client. I myself work as an averter full-time. More than 100 years ago, my maternal and paternal great-grandfathers already worked successfully as healers. I discovered my special skills already as a child. I was able to locate wild animals such as deer and rabbits outside, even though I couldn’t see them. I also had a few borderline experiences with death. During my adolescence, however, my skills were pushed into the background. During my intense occupation with radiesthesia (dowsing), I found access to clairvoyance and the averting of illness (spiritual healing). It is vital for my method of healing that I take time for my clients, since lots of people suffering from serious and incurable illnesses come to see me and their case histories cannot be dealt with in only ten minutes. Many people feel the need to talk about their pains and complaints. I also offer people to work with them from a distance, for which I only need a photo or signature of the person. This has proven to be especially efficient for people suffering from serious or chronic illnesses. I perform this distance healing daily over an agreed-on time period, such as one month or longer. The advantage of this method is that I deal with that person’s illness every day without the client having to be present. This method works worldwide irrespective of distances.

The technique of “averting illness” is an old traditional form of European spiritual healing, and written documents about it can be traced back to the twelfth century. This concept is still especially well-known in Lower Austria (the Mostviertel region). These healers mostly work with their clients on an exclusively mental level. This form of healing is often passed on from one generation of a family to the next.

Various methods of healing developed from the traditions and activities of the Pagan female priests and druids of the pre-Christian time. In the Middle Ages, different methods were being used side by side: the “averter of illness” tried to “avert” the illness on a mental level, i.e. the changing of illness into health, in humans and animals. The cycle of the moon (crescent and decrescent) played a big role for him. Another form of healing was prayer-healing, with the healer using special healing formulas. Those formulas were usually no traditional prayers such as Our Father or Hail Mary, but God or the Blessed Virgin were asked to grant recovery. Yet another form of averting was “charming”. The healer would sit in the same room as the ill person, leave the room after a certain time and take the illness with him. Then he dissolved the illness using a special charm. “Staunching” was another tradition, in which the “averter” would use solely his spiritual powers to staunch a wound, so that the bleeding would wane and stop. “Averting from a distance” was considered a special form of this healing tradition, in which the ill person didn’t have to be physically present and the healer only needed the person’s name to work with them.

The “herb woman” was a popular figure next to the “averter” and e.g. collected plants during a night of a full moon in order to use their healing power. Very often she also worked as a midwife. Besides her, there was also the “barber surgeon” or “salve- and band-aid-maker”, who mixed special salves that were used for wounds, injuries or pains. The “bone fixer” corresponded approximately to today’s osteopath or chiropractic, and he would fix dislocations of bones. Sometimes there were overlaps between the activity scopes of the different professions, e.g. a “barber surgeon” sometimes also worked as a “bone fixer” or “averter”.

From the turn of the first millennium on, these people were treated with increasing hostility by representatives of Christianity and chased, which culminated in the witch hunts between the 15th century and the middle of the 18th century, during which time hundreds of thousands of people died. Priests were preaching of good and bad and that the bad could be stuck inside a person and the devil could have control over them. They claimed that good people could be seduced by the devil and make use of evil powers by means of different rites (e.g. alchemy) and use them against that which is good. Those beliefs gained momentum among the population so that people set others up against others. If someone didn’t like another person, stories about that person were told and lies made up, that in turn led to a witch trial. In order to compel a confession, those accused were tortured cruelly. Jurisdiction was directly or indirectly implemented by the church. No other religion has killed so many people as Christianity has. For centuries, there have been cases of sexual abuse in Christian institutions, in our time kids are those most affected. At the moment, many victims are breaking the silence publicly.

I am a firm believer myself but can’t accept the kind of religion practiced by the church.

In our modern times, the “barber surgeon”, the “herb woman” and the “bone fixer” cannot be found anymore in their traditional forms since the law prohibits that these professions are exercised. The “averting of illness” as a spiritual means of healing is still practiced and is subject to the business regulations pertaining to “energy practitioners”. One of the most famous kinds of this form of healing is the “averting of warts”, which doesn’t exist in any other healing tradition worldwide, as far as I know. Established healers today work at 10-minute intervals, i.e. they work about 10 minutes for one client. I myself work as an averter full-time. More than 100 years ago, my maternal and paternal great-grandfathers already worked successfully as healers. I discovered my special skills already as a child. I was able to locate wild animals such as deer and rabbits outside, even though I couldn’t see them. I also had a few borderline experiences with death. During my adolescence, however, my skills were pushed into the background. During my intense occupation with radiesthesia (dowsing), I found access to clairvoyance and the averting of illness (spiritual healing). It is vital for my method of healing that I take time for my clients, since lots of people suffering from serious and incurable illnesses come to see me and their case histories cannot be dealt with in only ten minutes. Many people feel the need to talk about their pains and complaints. I also offer people to work with them from a distance, for which I only need a photo or signature of the person. This has proven to be especially efficient for people suffering from serious or chronic illnesses. I perform this distance healing daily over an agreed-on time period, such as one month or longer. The advantage of this method is that I deal with that person’s illness every day without the client having to be present. This method works worldwide irrespective of distances.

Laryngeal cancer (Laryngeal cancer): chances of recovery

Wednesday, March 3rd, 2010

Laryngeal cancer is a rare type of cancer. Of all the people suffering from cancer, only 2% have laryngeal cancer. However, the laryngeal carcinoma is the most frequently diagnosed tumor in the ear-nose-throat area. Men are significantly more prone to fall ill with laryngeal cancer than women, but the number of women affected is increasing.

The larynx is the uppermost part of the trachea and consists of a few cartilage plates that are connected with each other through ligaments and muscles. When someone swallows, one cartilage plate (the epiglottis) closes the entrance to the larynx to keep pieces of food from getting into the trachea. One part of the larynx (glottis) consists of the vocal cords.

Larynx carcinomas are distinguished by their position to the glottis: tumors in the area of the glottis (glottic), above the glottis (supraglottic), below the glottis (subglottic).

Risk factors: The exact cause for larynx cancer is unknown. It mostly affects people between ages 50 and 70, however, there has been an increase of this cancer in younger people. The inhalation of toxins is definitely a significant risk factor for larynx carcinoma. This includes smoking, but also alkyl halides, tarry substances and also wood dust, especially when alcohol is consumed at the same time.

Symptoms: laryngeal cancer may cause permanent hoarseness already at an early stage. At this stage, other symptoms are trouble swallowing, the need to clear one’s throat frequently and the feeling of having a foreign body in the throat. At an advanced stage, one may have pain when swallowing, which may spread to the ears, bloody-smeary expectorations, shortness of breath and enlarged lymph nodes. Other symptoms of laryngeal cancer are fatigue, weakness, rapid weight loss and exhaustion.

Early detection of laryngeal carcinoma: hoarseness lasting for longer than two weeks can already be a symptom of laryngeal carcinoma. An ENT doctor should clarify the cause of the hoarseness. In order to determine the existence of laryngeal carcinoma, the neck is palpated, a laryngoscopy performed, and magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography as well as a biopsy are conducted.

The traditional medical treatment of laryngeal cancer includes surgery and chemotherapy.

All medical information is subject to change regarding the correctness and completeness.

Spiritual healing as a measure to support the traditional medical treatment of laryngeal carcinoma:

The combination of traditional medical therapies and spiritual healing increases the odds of recovery.

Scientific double-blind studies on spiritual healing were performed in the USA. Spiritual healing can help, as was clearly shown by the results.

As a spiritual healer I try to use my power of concentration to limit the growth of cancer cells and tumors as well as of cancer sleeper cells (micro-metastases) and also boost the human’s immune system, i.e. regulate the hormone household via the hypophysis, the thyroid gland, the parathyroid gland, the pancreas and the adrenal cortex. In my opinion, the interplay of the hormones is very important for the functioning of the body’s own immune system. Intuition helps me as a clairvoyant to visualize the best possible approach for the respective person and his or her illness.

When people suffer from a serious disease like laryngeal cancer, it is best to work with them every day. It isn’t necessary for the client to be physically present. The client’s photo or signature are sufficient.

Spiritual healing exclusively focuses on the activation and harmonization of the body’s own energy fields (life energy) and is not considered a healing treatment. The effectiveness and success of energy treatments have not been scientifically proven in Austria. They have been falsified for various methods. No promises are made as to success, recovery or relief. All patients must voluntarily agree to this method of treatment.

In accordance with that, spiritual healing doesn’t present a substitute for a medical diagnosis or treatment or a psychological or psychotherapeutic treatment or examination. Any statements or pieces of advice are not considered diagnoses but are solely energy-related descriptions of a person’s state.

There is a double-blind study of the European Centre for Environmental Medicine in cooperation with the Lower Austrian Regional Medical Insurance, that shows that 90 % of humans who fell ill with cancer had their sleeping places on geo-pathogenic disturbance zones such as water veins, faults or earth rays. For this reason, it is important for someone suffering from cancer to have his or her sleeping place examined by a radiesthecist (dowser) and change the place if need be, without using any dubious shielding devices.

Thymoma, thymus carcinoma: chances of recovery

Tuesday, February 23rd, 2010

The tumor in thymus gland cancer emanates from the mammary gland (thymus). Most thymus tumors are benign, thymus carcinoma is a very rare cancer. The tumor is often detected incidentally during another examination. Benign tumors (three quarters of all thymomas) are the most frequent tumors of the mediastinum.

The thymus gland is part of the mediastinum, that area between the pleura that is confined by the diaphragm, the upper opening of the rib cage, the thoracic spine and the sternum.

The thymus belongs to the lymphatic organs and plays an important role in the development and the differentiation of the T-lymphocytes. At the beginning of puberty, the thymus tissue reduces in size, in adults, the rest of it consists mainly of fat tissue and only to a small extent of thymus parts.

Thymoma, thymus carcinoma risk factors: the exact cause is unknown. Thymomas most frequently affect people between the ages of 50 and 60 and are often connected to certain illnesses, such as the myasthenia gravis. This autoimmune disease comes with a thymoma in 20% to 40% of the cases. Benign thymomas may also appear in combination with anemia or a hypogammaglobulinemia (antibodies deficiency disease).

Thymoma, thymus carcinoma symptoms: as with many other tumors, symptoms only show at an advanced stage in most cases. These usually develop when the tumor grows into the surrounding tissue or replaces it more and more. Typical symptoms are a feeling of pressure behind the sternum, trouble swallowing, hoarseness, coughing over a prolonged time period, breathlessness, disturbances of cardiac function and muscle weakness.

Early detection of thymoma, thymus carcinoma: the tumor is usually discovered accidentally in the course of another x-ray examination. It may also be detected via magnetic resonance tomography, computer tomography or biopsy.

Traditional medical therapies of thymus carcinoma: surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy.

All medical information is subject to change regarding correctness and completeness.

The combination of traditional medical therapies and spiritual healing increases the odds of recovery.

Spiritual healing as a measure to support the traditional medical treatment of a thymoma, thymus carcinoma:

As a spiritual healer I try to use my power of concentration to limit the growth of cancer cells and tumors as well as of cancer sleeper cells (micro-metastases) and also boost the human’s immune system, i.e. regulate the hormone household via the hypophysis, the thyroid gland, the parathyroid gland, the pancreas and the adrenal cortex. In my opinion, the interplay of the hormones is very important for the functioning of the body’s own immune system. Intuition helps me as a clairvoyant to visualize the best possible approach for the respective person and his or her illness.

When people suffer from a serious disease like a thymoma or thymus carcinoma, it is best to work with them every day. It isn’t necessary for the client to be physically present. The client’s photo or signature are sufficient.

Scientific double-blind studies on spiritual healing were performed in the USA. Spiritual healing can help, as was clearly shown by the results.

There is a double-blind study of the European Centre for Environmental Medicine in cooperation with the Lower Austrian Regional Medical Insurance, that shows that 90 % of humans who fell ill with cancer had their sleeping places on geo-pathogenic disturbance zones such as water veins, faults or earth rays. For this reason, it is important for someone suffering from cancer to have his or her sleeping place examined by a radiesthecist (dowser) and change the place if need be, without using any dubious shielding devices.

Spiritual healing exclusively focuses on the activation and harmonization of the body’s own energy fields (life energy) and is not considered a healing treatment. The effectiveness and success of energy treatments have not been scientifically proven in Austria. They have been falsified for various methods. No promises are made as to success, recovery or relief. All patients must voluntarily agree to this method of treatment.

In accordance with that, spiritual healing doesn’t present a substitute for a medical diagnosis or treatment or a psychological or psychotherapeutic treatment or examination. Any statements or pieces of advice are not considered diagnoses but are solely energy-related descriptions of a person’s state.

Oesophageal cancer (oesophagus carcinoma): odds of recovery

Friday, February 19th, 2010

Oesophageal cancer, just like rectal cancer and colon cancer, is a malign disease of the digestive tract.

Oesophageal cancer (oesophagus carcinoma) emanates from the mucosa of the oesophagus in most cases and is a rare cancer.

There are two kinds of oesophageal cancer:
Squamous cell carcinoma, in which the cancer emanates from the mucosa, and adenocarcinoma, in which the cancer emanates from the glandular tissue.

The oesophagus is divided into three parts: the throat segment, the chest segment and the stomach segment. Oesophageal cancer usually affects the chest and the stomach segment.

Oesophageal cancer risk factors: the exact cause is yet unknown. This cancer mainly affects people above the age of 50 years. In the Western industrialized countries, 90% of the cases of oesophageal cancer can be attributed to the consumption of tobacco and high-proof alcohol, especially when they are consumed together. Among the further risk factors are nitrosamines (carcinogenic substances, they develop e.g. when cured meat is reheated), aflatoxins (mold toxins), consuming very hot food and drinks as well as very spicy meals, betel nuts and the barrett syndrome (a pathological change of the mucosa of the lower oesophagus).

Oesophageal cancer syndromes: as with many other cancers, symptoms in most cases only show at an advanced stage. Those mainly include trouble swallowing when eating, which develops slowly. Many persons affected by this cancer also suffer from weight loss. Further symptoms include pain when swallowing and a feeling of pressure behind the sternum.

Early detection of oesophageal cancer: diagnostic measures include questions to the patient, oesophageal endoscopy, computer tomography, endosonography, x-rays, lung endoscopy, magnetic resonance imaging.

Traditional medical therapies of oesophageal cancer: surgery, chemotherapy, chemoradiotherapy, radiotherapy, photodynamic therapy, laser therapy, stent, percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG).

All medical information is subject to change regarding the correctness and completeness.

The combination of traditional medical therapies and spiritual healing increases the odds of recovery.

Spiritual healing as a measure to support the traditional medical treatment of oesophageal cancer:

Scientific double-blind studies on spiritual healing were performed in the USA. Spiritual healing can help, as was clearly shown by the results.

As a spiritual healer I try to use my power of concentration to limit the growth of cancer cells and tumors as well as of cancer sleeper cells (micro-metastases) and also boost the human’s immune system, i.e. regulate the hormone household via the hypophysis, the thyroid gland, the parathyroid gland, the pancreas and the adrenal cortex. In my opinion, the interplay of the hormones is very important for the functioning of the body’s own immune system. Intuition helps me as a clairvoyant to visualize the best possible approach for the respective person and his or her illness.

When people suffer from a serious disease like oesophageal cancer, it is best to work with them every day. It isn’t necessary for the client to be physically present. The client’s photo or signature are sufficient.

There is a double-blind study of the European Centre for Environmental Medicine in cooperation with the Lower Austrian Regional Medical Insurance, that shows that 90 % of humans who fell ill with cancer had their sleeping places on geo-pathogenic disturbance zones such as water veins, faults or earth rays. For this reason, it is important for someone suffering from cancer to have his or her sleeping place examined by a radiesthecist (dowser) and change the place if need be, without using any dubious shielding devices.

Spiritual healing exclusively focuses on the activation and harmonization of the body’s own energy fields (life energy) and is not considered a healing treatment. The effectiveness and success of energy treatments have not been scientifically proven in Austria. They have been falsified for various methods. No promises are made as to success, recovery or relief. All patients must voluntarily agree to this method of treatment.

In accordance with that, spiritual healing doesn’t present a substitute for a medical diagnosis or treatment or a psychological or psychotherapeutic treatment or examination. Any statements or pieces of advice are not considered diagnoses but are solely energy-related descriptions of a person’s state.